How we work
Our Philosophy
At Martin CCS, we think deeply about how we think as humans. Why is it so important to know how we think?
What is at the heart of teams, businesses, organisations and wider communities at large?
People are a sum of their thoughts, feelings and actions. And it’s the thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals that creates the outcomes in our teams, businesses, organisations and wider communities at large.
Our thoughts and feelings, consciously and subconsciously, drive our behaviours and actions. Our actions create the results (that are in our control).
To shift performance and achieve different results, may that be at an individual, team or organisational levels, we must transform our mindsets, perceptions, thoughts and feelings.
System Thinking
At Martin CCS we have combined the best of Systems Thinking Principles, with latest research from neuroscience, NLP, wisdom from ancient philosophers and lessons learnt from a study conducted with 517 CEOs by McKinsey (called the “State of Human Capital”) about what needs to be present for Leadership Programs to be successful long term.
Systems Thinking Principle looks at a situation at multiple levels and asks questions such as:
1) Events: What happened?
2) Pattern: What is the pattern behind this event?
3) Structures: What (structures) is creating this pattern?
4) Mental Models: What thinking or perception is creating or sustaining or allowing this structure?
System thinking believes that an event (like the tip of an iceberg) is just a small part of the whole system that sustains this event (the submerged iceberg). So looking at an event in its isolation doesn’t allow one to perceive and understand the bigger picture. System thinking creates a framework for us to look at an issue, problem, objective, occurrence from top down to bottom up, from inside out to outside in, from a micro to macro, from big to small picture and vice versa to really see the whole system in its integrity. Seeing the whole of the system allows one to find solutions that address the core, roots, source of the issue whilst being mindful and accountable to its wholeness.
System thinking is particularly helpful when dealing with large complex issues with multiple interdependencies and variables that impact an outcome, such as an organisation. Its key strength is being able to look at the big picture and small picture, looking outside-in, which allows one to see the patterns and find solutions that may go deeper than traditional forms of thinking.